Friday, November 11, 2011

Apple Pie Cupcakes.

What's better than an apple pie? Apple pie cupcakes that's what.

What you'll need:
12 small apples, I used yellow delicious and galas.
1/2 C brown sugar
2 TBS cinnamon
1 TBS lemon juice
2 C powder sugar
water to cover mixture
12-24 vanilla cupcakes

What to do:
1. Slice apples and  place in pan with lemon juice. Add cinnamon and brown sugar stir, coating well. Pour water over apples to cover about 1/2 and inch above. get a nice rolling boil and then turn down to med/low and cook till apples are tender. Remove from heat, place apples in a bowl and chop with a mixer or blender till just under chunky. take liquid from pot, add powder sugar and mix well.

 2. Slice cupcakes in half horizontally, adding applesauce to cover one side. Place top back on and set aside.

3. Plate cupcakes & drizzle  applesauce glaze on top and let run down sides of cupcake. Serve and enjoy.


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