Cleaning up the Holiday's 2014

Cleaning up the Holiday's - Starting post. Links to journal


Week 1 ~ Living Room and Entry

Day 1 - Living room - 5 minute list and 15 minute home declutter
Day 2 - Paper clutter
15 minute paper purge and start your routines
Day 3 - Surfaces
- Dusting and organizing (D.I.Y recipe)
Day 4 - Furniture
- Cleaning behind and refreshing
(D.I.Y recipe)
Day 5 - Entry way
  cleaning and organizing

Day 6 & 7 - Routine, Routine, Routine
- keep your routine going

Week 2 ~ Kitchen and Panty

Day 1 - Kitchen and pantry - Organizing and taking stock
Day 2 - Dishes
- Clearing out and cleaning up
Day 3 - Large appliances
- General cleaning
Day 4 & 5 - General cleaning routine
- Getting your routine going
Day 6 & 7- Planning and putting it all together
- Meal planning

Week 3 ~ Dining Room. 

Day 1 - Dining room - General cleaning
Day 2 - Making your home smell good
- D.I.Y recipes
Day 3 & 4 - Crock Pot Meals
- meal ideas and recipes
Day 5 - 7 - find your grove and shake it
- work on a routine

Week 4 ~ Bathrooms and Bedrooms.

Day 1 - Guest bathroom
Day 2 & 3 Bedrooms
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Week 5 ~ Extra rooms or Extra care.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Weeks 6-8 ~ Work on a routine that works for you.



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