I did so well for the first part of the holiday's then next thing I know Christmas has past and my tree is still up, my clutter is back, and I'm tired all the time again. Little by little the house got messy, then worse, and pretty soon it was a hoarders dream. Here it's now the end of February, the tree has fallen over but still in the living room, the office is packed with boxes and I'm ready to burn it to the ground.
Here's my goals for the next month
1. Boxes gone... Easier said than done, but that's what Mr. Mechanic is doing next week while I'm gone. He's throwing them out/donating them sight unseen so I don't have a chance to hoard items again.
2. Office completed... The start of which is to paint the walls. Straight white is not conducive to the blogging/working/slacking off environment. Looking around some home decorating books and blogs it seems I can narrow down my colors to blues, yellows, or greens. Blue stimulates the mind, but at the same time calms it. Yellow is great for those in a creative job (like me). Green is great for a balance of mind and body.
Next to complete the office is to create a work station. I want a flowing desk with lots of storage as well as book shelves. We started this by rearranging the office space and mapping out a better floor plan for usage. It's quite nice, just filled with boxes.
A new entertainment center for relaxing is a must in order to get rid of the bulky old tv we have in there now.
Lastly in this room we are creating a divider so that when we have a guest staying the night we no longer have to walk through the office to our room, it will be it's own separate space.
3. Get the garage cleared out... we have moments where it's almost usable in there and then it's not. This year we are taking back our home and working to create a small sustainable home in the event of emergency/zombie attacks. Our garage is actually being converted to food storage on one side and tools on the other.
While all this is going on I'm working to get my yard ready for the season. Getting a fence and deck put in is step one of the summer yard renovation. Then I go from there. Lots of work to do but I can't wait for the wonderment I'll get from a job well done.
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