Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Cleaning up the Holiday's ~ Week 1, Day 2 - Paper clutter

Yesterday we took 5 minutes and made a list of things that had to go. 
I found that most of my items was general clutter. Books that aren't mine, kids items that should be in a bedroom, extra newspapers and mail. I knew right away the paper clutter had to go!

So today's goal is to take 15 minutes and clear out the extra paper clutter you may have. Nothing says mess like last week's newspaper sitting on the coffee table.

How are your routines going? I know it's just the second day but a great start is to always shine your sinks at night, never have a load of laundry sitting in your washer or dryer over night, and always dress to your shoes. Just those 2 items can help set the mood tremendously. Today I didn't get dressed to the shoes and I didn't shine my sink. I woke up feeling sick and spent my day half heartily cleaning up. That mistake will not happen for me tomorrow. So tonight I am making my list, setting my goals, and making my plan on how to get there.

1. Make dinner
2. Go over morning plans with family

3. Make sure dishes are off counters
4. Laundry for the evening is wash, dried, folded, and put away

5. Blog post for tomorrow planned out
6. Bed at a good time

1. Get kids up, showered, and dressed
2. 15 minute chore time

3. Lunch money given before boarding the bus
4. breakfast and coffee for me
5. Laundry going
6. Blog post typed and posted
7. Community Cake dropped off
8. Check in at work for more class students
9. Laundry
10. 15 minute hot spot clean up

1. Lunch
2. T.V. time
3. Laundry
4. Start dinner 
5. Go over meal plan for the next day
6. Kids come home
7. 15 minute weekly clean up

 Repeat evening goals again.

now if all goes as planned tomorrow morning I can happily report that the evening and partial morning goals were met in my next blog post.


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