Monday, October 27, 2014

Cleaning up the Holiday's ~ Week 1, Day 1 - Living room

The living room is the hub of activity for your holiday guests whether it be coming for a dinner party, a day of chatting, or staying awhile. Your guests will be spending a good amount of time in this area, so it should reflex you and place them at ease.

First step of the day is to take 5 minutes and list everything that doesn't need to be in the room, things that are better used other places, or things you need to get rid of. Once you have that list put it in a prominent place to look at in the days to come.

Second step of the day map out your 15 minutes per room. This is to clear out your daily grunge. Dishes, laundry, trash. your home didn't get dirty in a day it won't get cleaned in a day. Start working on your routine. FlyLady suggests a wonderful routine that can be adapted to fit your needs.

 Before Bed Routine: Start as soon as dinner is finished don’t wait till 10:00pm.
1. Shine your sink; go to bed with a clean kitchen.
2. Put things away from your Hot Spots.
3. Lay out your clothes for tomorrow; check your calendar for appointments.
4. Take some time to relax; bubble bath, good book or magazine.
5. Go to bed at a decent hour.

Morning Routine: Start as soon as your feet hit the floor.
1. Make your bed.
2. Get dressed to lace up shoes.
3. Put a load of laundry in the washer.
4. Empty dishwasher.
5. Eat breakfast, drink your water, take your vitamins.
6. Check your calendar for appointments.
7. Think about what’s for dinner.
8. Police your Hot Spots and put things away.
9. Set a timer and declutter one little area for 15 minutes.
10. Where is your laundry? Put it in the dryer.
11. Take a break and rest while you check your Holiday Control Journal.

Afternoon Routine: Start as soon as you get home from work.
1. Start dinner, put hot soapy water in your sink, and clean up as you cook.
2. Fold and put laundry away.
3. Set the table.
4. Enjoy dinner.

Remember to take it slow and steady or you will crash and burn. Take lots of notes and don't be afraid to try something new.


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