Monday, December 8, 2014

Ready to have a Scrooge moment.

My weekend was wonderful, Mr. Mechanic and I went antiquing, ate out every day, had a wonderful night at a very cute B&B, even did a bit of Christmas shopping. But now it's back to reality and I'm ready to strike.
I had to work Sunday afternoon and it was slow and boring. Not one person came into the classroom for the event. Only to ask me where things were since it looked like I worked there. It wouldn't have been bad but I forgot a book, my phone, and my brain. Apparently it was my job to sell the cookie kits... Wait last I check this event was a Micheal's store event not a Wilton event therefore I didn't need to be there. It was ok, I got out an hour early and got to wait around for the hubby. He picks me up late because he had to once again bunny rangle thanks to a broken cage or two. UGH!!! We then did our Costco shopping and headed out to get the kids. I missed them but of course they hadn't miss me, I got more reactions out of my dogs then my children. So on the trip home my glorious quiet weekend was shattered by all the fighting in the back seat. It was enough to make me want to cry. We got home and Mr. Mechanic made breakfast burritos to get some of the leftovers from Thanksgiving used up. Our elf didn't move all weekend, neither did the advent calendars so that was taken care of. I quickly boxed up Daytona's gift to wrap later. After dinner and some TV we called it a night and I slept like a rock. Now it's time to start my day and get the house tip top party ready.


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