Monday, September 23, 2013


I love fall, the color changes, the nippy air, all the fun things to do. This year our family has a bucket list planned for all kinds of things to do. I got the idea from Tinker Lab and her wonderful bucket list printout. Last year we did a few but this year we plan on doing them all. Which made me wonder, how others do fall? Is it your favorite season? Can you live without it? Do you have any family have to do's? For us it's have to have pumpkin pie and make pumpkin cookies. Do you have any special crafts you like to make? Or recipes to use? Let's hear it from you, make your own bucket list and have a great 1013 fall y'all! I'm gonna make like a leaf and blow.

Stay tuned for more fun from this little Susie's world.


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