Friday, October 28, 2011

BOO treats

These are great for house parties as well as classroom parties.
Letter-size black card stock
Corner rounder punch
Glue stick
16-in. length of 3/8-in. ribbon
Unopened 1-oz. box of Tic Tac mints
Patterns at right
Craft knife and cutting mat
Glue dots
1¼-in. white foam letters—
one B and two O’s

1. From black card stock, cut a 6¾-in. x 4¾-in. rectangle. Fold in half
vertically and round all four corners with corner rounder punch.
2. Open folded rectangle. Apply glue stick all over one side of
interior. Place ribbon, centered lengthwise, about ¾-in. down
from fold. Press sides closed with ribbon inside. Align all edges
and smooth bumps. Let dry.
3. Fold card stock rectangle around mint box and crease to form
a ¾-in. spine in the center, making a book cover shape.
4. Photocopy pattern; cut out. Trace choice of shape onto lower
front cover as shown. Using craft knife, carefully cut out pattern
outline on cover.
5. Remove label from mint box. Photocopy and cut out pattern
phrases. Use glue dots to adhere “Are you scared to pieces?” to
top portion of box and “Happy Halloween” to top of inside cover,
as shown.
6. Use glue dots to adhere mint box, centered, to inside back cover.
Be sure front cover cutout is placed over area where mints show.
7. Close front cover over box and tie ribbons into bow.
8. Cut out eyes and mouth pattern. Use glue stick to adhere them
to front cover cutout area of box, as shown.
9. With glue dots, adhere “BOO” letters to top portion of front cover.


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