Saturday, November 1, 2014

Cleaning up the Holiday's ~ Week 1, Day 6 & 7 - Routine, Routine, Routine

Our first week has come to it's end. By staying on top of this one room it has stayed clean but as you know it can't take a week every time to clean a room. Now that your living room and entry are back to square one it's time to employ your cleaning routine. 15 minutes a day to clear away clutter, quick dust, and organize.

How is that possible you say? I can barely dust one room in 15 minutes. It's simple, you keep up on your routine and whatever is not done in 15 minutes is done later. You can choose to finish your dusting/organizing/whatever you need till later in the day or save it for the next day. Don't let this become part of your routine, this is used only with the idea that today was a messier day than normal.

How to keep your cleaning to less than 15 minutes? Clean as you walk through your home and go about your day. Did you watch a movie last nigh and want to watch a new one today? Put away the movies when you are done with them. Can't ever find the remote? Buy a basket or caddy to place them in and set on a table or by the couch, when done put it away. Putting things away right away will become habit and keep your day clutter free.

Are you a list maker? Let Flylady help you build a Control Journal. What is a Control Journal? It's like a Home Binder and if you have one of those like I do, then all you need is a few areas for cleaning and planning. However you plan your day make sure it's in a prominent place in your home. Find the first place in your home that you officially start your day and make that Task Central. (Bathrooms don't count)
You can go over everything for the day and since your get up morning routine never changes much. For me task central is my couch, I wake up my boys for school then go sit down, but that's about to change, each morning I walk past my vintage desk that is cluttered and full of my children's things that I plan on taking it back to make it Task Central #1. I'll be able to get a general idea of what my day is to be like before I've had my cup of coffee.

There you have it dear readers, you've taken back your living room and have a solid foundation on which to keep on top of things.


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