Thursday, November 6, 2014

Cleaning up the Holiday's ~ Week 2, Day 4 & 5 - General cleaning routine

The last few days have been hectic for me, trying to get the house in order, making gifts, planning parties, and general life I have forgotten to update and post for the last week and I am sorry.

Day 4 & 5 are all about creating a cleaning routine and sticking to it. Keep it short and easy to use, plan monthly, weekly, and daily tasks to complete in tune with  your large appliance routine. For my routine it goes as such


Stove area - I wash off the top, wipe down the walls (my stove is in a tiny cove), clean up the jar of cooking utensils, brush off the spice rack.

Sink area - Shine the sink in the evening, wipe down water spots from dishes, stack dishes if needed, load dishwasher and wash sink full of dishes, wash counters.

General cleaning - sweep floor, spot mop, wipe down any small appliances that have been used.


General Cleaning - Wipe down door jambs, cabinets, move small appliances and clean under, mop full floor,


General cleaning - Wash walls and ceiling, dust cupboards and cabinets.


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