Now I don't know what your dining room looks like, for all I know you all have dine in kitchens or don't have a dining room area at all. But in my home we have a smallish dining room between the kitchen and living room. It's home to a very large table and chair set, an over hanging bar window to the kitchen, and numerous shelves, cabinets, and drawers that house the general population of my cake tools.
For me cleaning the dining room is simple, keep stuff off the table, the floor cleaned, and my cake tools organized. Sounds simple right... Not in this lifetime. The dining room happens to be craft central for me, the kids, and the one place the family doesn't use for it's intended purpose any more.
I plan to change that starting today. First order of business was to clear the floor and table. Everything in the room was put back in it's normal place in the correct room of the house. All my cake tools are getting reorganized later in the week when I have time to take inventory of everything I have again.
And there you have it, clean it up and keep a routine going. Since this room is fairly small and simple the rest of the week will be ideas for gatherings and meals. Stay tuned readers.
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