Monday, November 3, 2014

Cleaning up the holiday's ~ Week 2, Day 2 - Dishes

Do you have an abundance of dishes? Maybe more of one kind than others? What about utensils? It seems in my house we never have enough bowls, spoons, butter knives, or cups. My children take them and leave them somewhere and then throw them out because they get broken or furry. I have 4 different sets of dishes; one for every day use, 2 china for dinner parties, and 1 vintage. None of them are truly a full set anymore and today's goal is to put an end to that.

Today I want to to take stock in dishes, all your dishes. Take the time to tally what you have, what you need, and what you can live without. remember your donation box? Now is a good time to use it, pull it out and load it up with all your extra baking pans, dishes, and cooking utensils that never seem to be used but you needed them for something. Don't take too long to do this 30 - 60 minutes is more than enough time to go through everything.

After you have cleared up your dishes, organize them. If your cupboards and drawers look bare that's fine. You are downsizing the clutter for things you really need. If you find yourself needing that item you placed in the donation box down the road, go and get it and it only.

A few questions to answer.

1. Do you have dishes that are used only when guest come over? Place them where they can be used more often, Life is too short to save the good china for guests only. You deserve to have the best to eat off every day.

2. What if I don't have enough dishes to run a load in the dishwasher? Hand wash dishes as you use them. If it's just you at home all day but you know you'll need your bowl/plate/pan for dinner wash them before you have need of them.

Now that the organizing has commenced it;s time to get down to the heavy cleaning. But that is for another day.


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