Saturday, December 17, 2011

It's sew easy to fall in love...

I found this totally awesome cute half apron at Goodwill one day and we I didn't buy it cause I just knew I could make one. I was excited when my hubby told me he'd get me a sewing machine for my birthday next month, so I thought hey I have time to get everything I need together... I about killed myself jumping for joy when I got one from my Mom for Christmas instead. I was in a whirlwind of ideas but alas no thread to do anything with, so last week I finally bought some and VOILA!

I started sewing again. And as you can see I have a pair of pants that are getting a ruffled edge... Is it a skirt? NOPE it's a cute apron!

My lovely daughter is modeling her new cooking apron. It's made from the butt from a pair of her old jeans, a bit of ruffled lace and a ribbon belt to tie it on.

Working on one for me that will  have a button hole to place changeable hand towels while I work.

After this I made a couple quick throw pillows to add some color to my living room and bedroom, can't wait till I get a chance to do more.


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