Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Lowry family Christmas tradition.

ASince this is the first Christmas in our very own home We have started buying new ornaments and such. One thing I have been wanting to try is to make my own. I started with making mini cinnamon gingerbread men to hang on a garland, that slowly progressed into wanting to make glass ornaments. It seemed to be fate when a trip to Michael's craft store and their clear glass ones we're 2.49$ each package. I picked up 2 of the smallest size and got to work today. I took pictures of my steps making a ribboned 'present'

 gluing the side ribbons on
 Making the bow to glue on the top.
 TADA!!!! Isn't it so pretty. this was ornament 5 in a row of 8.
 Here you have me painting a winter wonderland scene on one.
 Aren't they all pretty?

Next up after this is to let the kids make their own after a hike in the hills. each year I think we shall make more that are elaborate and special, as well as make special ones for friends and family. What a great way to remember the years both present and past.


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