Tuesday, October 8, 2013

78 days til Christmas...

 51 more days till Thanksgiving and 23 more days till Halloween.
Now normally I don't count down the days for holiday's instead, I count down the days till my Anniversary. 56 by the way, but this year I was looking for a cute Christmas wish list for the kids and came across some awesome printables from Pinch A Little Save-A-Lot, and I just couldn't help myself. I went nuts printing off everything she had that I may use. Which now means I need to either put a section in the Home binder for the holiday's or create a Holiday binder. I think creating a new binder is the way to go. It would be much easier to carry it around than the Home binder. Right now it'll just have spots for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. But give me time and I will have spots for all major holiday's by month as well as anniversaries and birthdays. I have turned into a binder queen that just needs to get the family on board.

Today is a catch up and get it done kind of day. Laundry has gotten out of control again, I have about 25 pounds of apples to turn into pie filling and sauce, several summer squashes to shred up if they are still good, and a house to pick up. The glamorous day of a homemaker is never a bore LOL. I may even give myself a manicure just to get rid of the ragged cuticles I have going on.

And somehow I need to fit in a walk with a dog so I can get in some exercise and they can get some fresh air. We've been cooped up for a bit with all the rain we had last week, now it's clear skies and no energy for me.

Well that's it for me right this second. I have a house to get in order and a life to live for awhile. Stay tuned for more from this Susie's Life.


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