Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I took it upon myself to tear into my bathroom yesterday. It was horrible, I haven't actually cleaned it out in months. Last time I scrubbed the shower and toilet was almost 2 weeks ago, it was bad! How bad? I refuse to post pictures. We couldn't find anything, Hubby was stepping on earrings, headbands, brush would go missing if you set it down. Not to mention the killer dust bunnies under the benches. 
Well it took all day and an entire bottle of industrial germicidal spray but my bathroom is spotless. I had to leave off organizing and throwing out stuff we don't use/expired for today. But that was a bit derailed for now. 

Which brings me on to why I am so SUPERWIFEY! Hubby came in with a little paper from the driveway with an Albertson's ad in it. YIPPY! They were having another mix and match box goods sale as well as a meat sale. Now I know that we're suppose to be saving and not buying anything that is not a necessity, but I couldn't believe it, for once A great sale, my coupons, and my pocket book matched up.
Hamburger Helper, Duncan Hines Cake mix, General Mills cereal, pork loin, energy bars, Barilla pasta... Total spent - 70.84$ Total Saved - 139.13. That means full price this mommy would have paid 209.97$
The hubby was so proud I filled the log LOL. 

Now to the part that makes me SUPERMOMMY!
At the PTC last night we stopped by book fair just to look, we found a 3 book set for 10$ and I got it to help Cadence with reading and writing. Figuring I'd just budget that back into the end of the month. Then my Mom let me know that Fred Meyer's has the Croods on sale $14.99 plus you get 2 candies, and a popcorn for free. Of course I get there and they are out but Blu-Ray (which we'd rather have) is 19.99$ and you get a stuffed plush belt toy. So here I am with a stocked pantry, a GREAT movie and I'm waiting for my wonderful monsters to get home to do their chores so we can have a family night.

For now, I'm tuckered out so I'll take a small nap before they get home and while they do homework finish up the bathroom. Then it's time to tackle the worst room in the house... 
THE BLACKHOLE!!!! AKA my room.


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