Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cleaning up the Holiday's ~ Week 4, Day 1 - Guest Bathroom

This bathroom may be your main bathroom or it may be a separate bathroom just for guests, either way it's the focus of today's goals. I have broken this room down to daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning routines.

1. The swish and swipe
Swish- take your toilet bowl brush and swish it around doing a preemptive cleaning. Helps stop dirty germ build up and keeps any normal bathroom smells down.
Swipe - take a moment to swipe a cleaning cloth over your counter and sink.

2. Put away - anything that is used daily. Toothbrushes should be in the medicine chest for sanitary reasons, but rags and towels (unless hung), toiletry items, should be placed away as well. Keep clutter to a minimal. This means less to move and clean plus less to make a mess.

3. Spot sweep and spot mop - This says it all, normally I do this every few days but during high traffic times I do this job almost hourly some days. Find what works best for your home and stick with the routine,

4. Clean - This for me isn't a daily item but usually done every few days to weekly. Every household gets dirty differently. Play to your home's needs.

5. Check - Check that your bathroom is stocked with items you need. Bath towels, wash cloths, toiletries, and hand soap.

1. Clean -This is done if you haven't seen to it already in your daily goals now is the time to do this.
- Remove and wash all bath mats, toilet covers and tub mats.
- Scrub the inside and outside of the toilet
- Scrub your tub/shower.
- Wash mirrors
- Scrub walls and doorways.
- Mop floors

1. Clean - Monthly cleaning is simple and can be done on the same day as a weekly cleaning.
- Wash shower curtain
- Wash windows and window coverings
- Flush pipes
- Check for leaks

And there you have it, a routine for your bathroom to help you keep on top of your routine.


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